Friday, March 31, 2023

Sunsets 🌄..

Every new sunsets talk about the dawns
For the cries, laughter and synchronised yawns.
I forget to tell myself that it's ok to make mistakes
As life is always about retakes.
My inner spirit keeps screaming to let it out
But the max I do is pen it down.
Perhaps I know people might turn away
From me, upon hearing my felonies. 
Yet I am strong to sing them all in beautiful laughter coated with melodies
I sing, I dance I pretend everything is alright
Until the darkness of the night approaches to kiss me goodnight!..🌌

The Orb of life.

The feeling of being rental on the world is precise and evident. 
Are we all living on rent? 
Yes we are, on this beautiful planet Earth 🌎

Can you imagine a planet you could live on? I suppose not, no planet could give you 21% of oxygen that we get on Earth, not even the Moon.
The Moon looks beautiful from far away but mere sustainance isn't opted for living. Perhaps beauty is what we see, from far away rather than to live with.

Such a low esteem and love for the planet we live in for. 
Let's spread some positivity and Reduce Reuse and Recycle the beautiful lush green beauty of our Orb of life. 🌳

My Mind is Blogged- Poem

My mind is blogged, Blogged in the fog of thoughts 💬 Where I have lost all my pensivity In search of a new positivity ➕ With the gloomy day...